Bulletin 12/6

Giving Tree
11 gift requests are still waiting to be filled from Magnolia's Giving Tree! Contribute by selecting a tag at the office and returning a wrapped gift by December 18th (please use the original Giving Tree tag or a unique code for identification). Alternatively, an Amazon wish list is available. Amazon purchases can be mailed to you or sent to "Sarah / Magnolia Intermediate" for wrapping and delivery to the school on your behalf. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Homework Club
Homework Club with Ms. Simonds has been moved to Thursdays, after school.
8th Grade Families

Bear River High School is excited to meet the newest batch of Bruins. Here are some important dates for you to know.

  1. Future Bruin Day - Friday, January 19: From 9:15-12:30: Students will come to campus for a morning of information, tour, lunch and a rally! 

  2. Future Bruin Parent Night - Thursday, February 8: From 5:30-7:00: We would like to invite parents to an informational evening to learn about all of the exciting possibilities at Bear River High School. After the presentation, there will be an interactive showcase where families can meet teachers and learn more about classes, programs such as CTE, drama, art, athletics, etc…

Orders can be placed online at www.treering.com/validate
Passcode: 101566172917594
School Hours

Students should not arrive earlier than 8:40 am, or remain on the campus later than 15 minutes after dismissal unless they are participating in a supervised activity.