Magnolia Intermediate School Home

News & Announcements

Bookfair ewallet 2025

It's almost book fair time.

Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here:


Principal's Message

Dear Magnolia Intermediate School Parents & Community,

It is my great honor to serve as your Principal for the 2024-25 school year. At the middle school level, it’s our job to inspire students to dream big and give them the early tools to make their dreams a reality. Together, with your invaluable help, we aim to create lifelong learners and promote a growth mindset for all students. Our objectives include resilience, high school readiness and a warm, welcoming campus.

In addition to academics, we also aim to help our students develop character. Our school’s core values focus on the concepts of respect, responsibility, and kindness. Students will be recognized and rewarded for making positive choices this year. Please consider also emphasizing the value of these traits at home. 

I believe that education can open incredible doors. Supporting students, parents and our fabulous staff is my primary goal. We aim to promote a safe, positive, effective learning environment. Please do not hesitate to reach out about anything at all — from simple questions to serious concerns, we are here to serve you. 

We love what we do. It’s clear that Magnolia is a community that cares for each other. I look forward to lots of learning and dreaming BIG this year!
Best Wishes,
Christina Levinson (Principal, [email protected])