Sue Stoddart » Science 7 Course Overview

Science 7 Course Overview

Welcome to Science 7

Welcome to seventh grade science and the 2018-2019 school year. This course emphasizes hands-on inquiry based learning. We will learn how to formulate a scientific question, seek knowledge from that question and then apply the new knowledge.

What will I learn?

This year we will complete implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This course emphasizes hands-on inquiry based learning, using an integrated approach to teach science. Specifically, students will learn how to formulate scientific questions, explore problems, make observations, use and create models to explain their observations, and apply new information to seek a better understanding of our world.  


Required Supplies:

Science Binder - 1 inch with rings and a front and back pocket.


Binder Paper

Many sharpened pencils, highlighters and correcting pen. (No credit for work done in pen)

School Agenda


Class Rules:

1.     Follow the policies and procedures in the school handbook.

2.     Hats/ hoodies off when you enter the classroom.

3.     No gum, food or drinks.  Water only.

4.     Teacher dismisses you, not the bell.

5.     Use lab equipment appropriately.

6.     Focus on class work and stay on task.

7.     Respect the teacher or other students who “have the floor.”

8.     Wait until appropriate time to talk to teacher about absences or other issues.


What if the consequences if rules are not followed?

1.  Warning is given.

2.  Refocus

3.  Detention and parents are contacted.

4.  Behavior Violation referred to the office.


How will I be assessed?

Tests and quizzes = 70% of the total grade

Homework, classwork and projects = 30% of total grade



Generally, there are weekly assignments.  Homework is due at the beginning of class.



What if I am absent?

It is the student’s responsibility to find out about their absent work.  Reduced credit will be given for absent work not made up in the allowed time.  Students are allowed one day for every day absent.   After that deductions will be given.


Three places to look for absent work:

1.  Study Buddy

2.  Daily Agenda (on teacher’s desk)

3.  Science 8 website @Magnolia student links

Class work and homework will need to be made up at home.  If you are absent for a test/quiz, you will make-up the test during the lunch study hall following the absence.  Turn all make up work into the class tray.


Extra Handouts:

If you need a handout because you were absent or you lost your first one, go to the “ extras trays” in the front of the classroom.  Please do not ask me for handouts, go straight to the trays.


If you miss a lab, please turn in a blank lab with your name and “ABSENT” written at the top so that you will receive an excused credit instead of a zero.



Extra Credit:  “Science in the News” – Each article is worth 5 pts. up to 3% of total final grade. Using only local papers, The Union, Sacramento Bee, or Auburn Journal, (online format ok) read an article about science and answer the following questions:

 “What did I find interesting?” and “This article makes me wonder about…” 

Label assignment with proper heading, date of article, title of article and name of newspaper.